




新东方霍娜-《新概念英语精讲精练第一册》百度网盘(完整版/带课件)[MP4/PDF/12.00GB] - 时光很长,伴你一同成长。

新东方霍娜-《新概念英语精讲精练第一册》百度网盘(完整版/带课件)[MP4/PDF/12.00GB] - 时光很长,伴你一同成长。










    • Lesson 000 导学课
    • Lesson 001-2 Excuse me!
    • Lesson 003-4 Sorry, sir
    • Lesson 005-6 Nice to meet you
    • Lesson 007-8 Are you a teacher?
    • Lesson 009-10 How are you today?
    • Lesson 011-12 Is this your shirt?
    • Lesson 013-14 A new dress
    • Lesson 015-16 Your passports, please
    • Lesson 017-18 How do you do?
    • Lesson 019-20 Tired and thirsty
    • Lesson 021-22 Which book?
    • Lesson 023-24 Which glasses?
    • Lesson 025-26 Mrs. Smith’s kitchen
    • Lesson 027-28 Mrs.Smith’s living room
    • Lesson 029-30 Come in, Amy
    • Lesson 031-32 Where’s Sally?
    • Lesson 033-34 A fine day
    • Lesson 035-36 Our village
    • Lesson 037-38 Making a bookcase
    • Lesson 039-40 Don’t drop it!
    • Lesson 041-42 Penny’s bag
    • Lesson 043-44 Hurry up!
    • Lesson 045-46 The boss’s letter
    • Lesson 047-48 A cup of coffee
    • Lesson 049-50 At the butcher’s
    • Lesson 051-52 A pleasant climate
    • Lesson 053-54 An interesting climate
    • Lesson 055-56 The Sawyer family
    • Lesson 057-58 An unusual day
    • Lesson 059-60 Is that all?
    • Lesson 061-62 A bad cold
    • Lesson 063-64 Thank you, doctor
    • Lesson 065-66 Not a baby
    • Lesson 067-68 The weekend
    • Lesson 069-70 The car race
    • Lesson 071-72 He’s awful!
    • Lesson 073-74 The way to King Street
    • Lesson 075-76 Uncomfortable shoes
    • Lesson 077-78 Terrible toothache
    • Lesson 079-80 Carol’s shopping list
    • Lesson 081-82 Roast beef and potatoes
    • Lesson 083-84 Going on holiday
    • Lesson 085-86 Paris in the spring
    • Lesson 087-88 A car crash
    • Lesson 089-90 For sale
    • Lesson 091-92 Poor Ian!
    • Lesson 093-94 Our new neighbour
    • Lesson 095-96 Tickets, please
    • Lesson 097-98 A small blue case
    • Lesson 099-100 Ow!
    • Lesson 101-102 A card from Jimmy
    • Lesson 103-104 The French test
    • Lesson 105-106 Full of mistakes
    • Lesson 107-108 It’s too small
    • Lesson 109-110 A good idea
    • Lesson 111-112 The most expensive model
    • Lesson 113-114 Small change
    • Lesson 115-116 Knock, knock!
    • Lesson 117-118 Tommy’s breakfast
    • Lesson 119-120 A true story
    • Lesson 121-122 The man in a hat
    • Lesson 123-124 A trip to Australia
    • Lesson 125-126 Tea for two
    • Lesson 127-128 A famous actress
    • Lesson 129-130 Seventy miles an hour
    • Lesson 131-132 Don’t be so sure!
    • Lesson 133-134 Sensational news!
    • Lesson 135-136 The latest report
    • Lesson 137-138 A pleasant dream
    • Lesson 139-140 Is that you, John?
    • Lesson 141-142 Sally’s first train ride
    • Lesson 143-144 A walk through the woods


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